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Career Portfolio Project

All Pennsylvania high school students are required to complete a graduation project in order to receive a high school diploma. By satisfactorily completing the Career Portfolio Project, students fulfill this requirement for both sending school districts and the Technical College High School. One and done!

The project includes research and career preparation components, including:

  • resume
  • cover letter
  • thank you letter
  • career plan
  • research paper relevant to the career preparation program*
  • documentation of their achievements
  • a job shadow experience and
  • written summary
  • community service mock-interview

Students also complete:

  • a job shadow experience and
  • written summary
  • community service mock-interview
student in mechanical work
group of people collaborating

Cooperative Education Program

The Cooperative Education program is designed to provide seniors and selected juniors with the opportunity to bridge the gap between education and employment while remaining a student. The program combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training. By integrating classroom study and supervised, practical work experience, students obtain the best of both worlds as they learn by applying skills they mastered in the classroom. The Cooperative Education program is available in any occupational program to qualifying students who have demonstrated good attendance, obtained good grades and have their teacher’s recommendation. The objectives of the Co-op Program are to connect classroom learning with work-based learning experiences, prepare students for the move from classroom to work site, support supervised on-the-job training, and help students make career decisions

Post-Secondary Education

An employer often offers successful co-op students the opportunity to further their education.

Career Opportunities

The time spent working for a co-op employer allows the employer to train the student for the company’s specific needs. The employer also has the chance to evaluate the student’s future with the company. Many co-op students continue working for their co-op employers after graduation.

Characteristics For Success

Reliable, prompt, willing to listen and learn, team worker, safe worker, organized.

Program Qualifications